of some LAT's existing kiosk models
More about LAT's unique Human Resources Kiosk product line
HR to Spend $50M to Educate Employees
on Financial Planning
IBM Press Release, 3/2007
According to a recent Towers Perrin
report, employers adopted Web-based employee self-service systems
in record numbers during 2006, increasing two to threefold between
1999 and 2006.
The 2001 Cedar HR Self-Service Survey
found that over 35% of respondents already provide online time-sheets
and more than 60% plan to implement self-service for this function.
More about LAT's unique Human Resources Kiosk product line

Resource Kiosks
One of most important functions of any HR department is to provide
easy capability to your employees to access key critical corporate
information. With an ever increasing global and often distributed
workforce millions of dollars
are spent yearly, providing those employees with information required
to perform their duties.
$1,700 are spent per employee per
year on basic HR communication alone.
Salomon Smith Barney, 2006
Unfortunately, the ability to deliver this information
in a cost effective, timely fashion is never easy.
Bridge the "great divide"
Despite significant investments into providing
necessary information and tools on corporate networks to communicate
with your employees, in many organizations there are large number
of employees that don't have easy and secure access to your corporate
Intranet and consequently are often "left in the dark".
Not only is the value of these corporate investment diminished,
the reciprocal organizational and legal burden on HR to "manually"
supply this information can become overwhelming in needed resources,
time and effectiveness.
Value of LAT's HR Kiosks to
your Employees
The ability to provide access to your information
via self-service at the location most convenient to your employees
is invaluable. Here are just a small sampling of possible uses
(not in any order):
- Benefits lookup
- Payroll adjustments
- 401(k) maintenance
- Company News
- Employee Directory
- Survey / Feedback
- Safety Information / Training
- Training (trade)
- Cafeteria Menu lookup
- Job application processing
- Qualifications testing
- ... much, much more
Value of LAT's HR Kiosks to
you - your ROI
The ability to offload or automate these tasks
nearly 24/7/365 with little resource outlay, provides these immediate
- Augment existing HR resources
- Central HR function across entire organization
- Timely delivery of key information / Streamline
- Huge savings in eliminating paper-driven forms
- Reduced transaction processing time
- Increased productivity (For ex: Automating job application
pre-screening process)
- Reduce overall cost of HR/hiring operation
- Dramatically reduce administrative costs
- Liability reduction in timely dissemination of required information
- ... much, much more
Refer to our Overview section on some
additional benefits and unique features of our HR product offering.
Bottom Line:
Its no longer a question of "Why" but
rather "When", "Who" and "How".
Library Automation Technology is a leader
in providing self-service kiosks for over a decade. Over 15, 000,
000 transactions are performed on our equipment every year. We
have years of experience in understanding both the human interface
as well as technology necessary to provide hardened, long lasting
equipment that delivers.